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Game Tips

Actor cards: Tips for the player acting out the word pairs

Use your hands! Actors can demonstrate the number of words (or syllables) by holding up that many fingers.

If the guesser is stuck, try a different action for the same word to see if that helps them.

If the guesser is REALLY stuck, try to think of a word that rhymes with or sounds like the word you’re acting. IIf you’re acting out the word “whale” and they’re just not getting it, tap your ear to indicate a Sounds Like clue, then start to act out a word like “nail” or “sail” instead.

Get silly! The more confident you are with your ridiculous acting skills, the easier it’ll be for your friends to guess the answer.

Distractor cards: Make it your own!

Write your own distraction cards - the sillier the better! This is your opportunity to make your friends tap dance to the tune of happy birthday or confess all their deepest secrets. Either trace and cut out your own cards or download our template.

Extra Activities

Word cards: Flashcards

Word cards have either a definition or an illustration. Once you’ve collected all the pairs, use the cards with an illustration to test your definition knowledge! These make useful flashcards for revision.

Word cards: Colorful Stories

There are four colors of Word cards - green, yellow, blue and pink. The words on each of these colors relate to a category.

Green cards are words you might use to describe a character, like a presumptuous politician or a dazzling celebrity.

Yellow cards are words you might use to describe food, like an inedible pizza or a hearty stew.

Blue cards are words you might use to describe the weather, like dreary rain or hazy fog.

Pink cards are words you might use to describe how you’re feeling, like you might feel overjoyed while playing Vocabularious.

Choose one card from each color and try to write a short story that uses those four words.