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Join the science of reading and game-based learning revolution!

Together, we can transform the lives of children by equipping them with exceptional reading skills, opening doors to endless possibilities for their future success. Become a valued partner in our mission to empower young minds and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.

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There is a real literacy crisis in our society. Students are reading below grade level across the board. Working parents are short on time and are counting on schools for their kids’ education, but time is limited at school, too. Furthermore, the US National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results make it clear – young learners need more support at home than ever.

Few resources on the market are up to the job. They’re either built on methods (like “whole word”) that don’t work, or they’re just not exciting for kids. Research on the science of reading proves that systematically teaching phonics skills works best, but it’s challenging to hold most students’ attention with traditional material. When kids lose interest, they don’t learn.

Kids urgently need literacy resources that are effective, research-based, and engaging. That’s where we come in. We’re Mrs Wordsmith, and we’re on a mission to make learning riotously fun.

We started with our cast of hilarious, relatable characters, designed by none other than Craig Kellman from Madagascar fame. Then, we took every child on a rollicking journey with laugh-out-loud hijinks from books to card games. But we didn’t stop there.

We’ve turned our focus to what was most engaging to kids – video games. Even the most learning-averse students in class can spend hours strategizing, seeking help from a friend, and researching how to get to the next level or unlock new avatars. There’s no shortage of motivation with video games. It’s not a coincidence; they are designed to keep players coming back for more.

This begs the question: Can we use video games to teach literacy skills? Yes, we can. This is the power of game-based learning. We’ve combined best practices in reading instruction, the Science of Reading, with genuinely fun gameplay.

The results are already astounding: Our first focus group improved their vocabulary test scores by 43% after just a month of playing Word Tag. And we’re just getting started.

Join us in creating better outcomes for students by making learning fun and engaging.

We’re pioneering a new world of literacy education, but we can’t do it alone. We need partners like you to help us achieve our mission to empower kids with great reading skills and give them more options for a successful life.

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