Graphemes can be made up of more than one letter. A digraph is a two-letter grapheme, a combination of two letters representing only one sound. For example, s and h together make up sh, a digraph of the /sh/ sound. A trigraph is a three-letter grapheme, a combination of three letters representing one sound, like igh in the word sigh.
- The word hop has three graphemes: h-o-p.
- The word shop also has three graphemes: sh-o-p -- the first grapheme is a digraph.
- The word feel also has three graphemes: f-ee-l -- the middle grapheme is a digraph.
- The word catch also has three graphemes: c-a-tch -- the last grapheme is a trigraph.
- The word night also has three graphemes: n-igh-t -- the middle grapheme is a trigraph
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