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Unlock your potential with this 192-page English workbook. Become the first six-year-old to write a novel, publish an academic article, or host a Ted Talk on "The Importance of Conjunctions". This Year 1 workbook covers phonics, vocabulary, grammar, high-frequency words, handwriting, and more! This is not your average English workbook. Become the next child prodigy.Ages 5-6We make phonics fun! Readiculous teaches kids to read with the science of reading in just 10 minutes a day.The game, endorsed by literacy experts and grounded in scientific research, is designed to engage kids to learn to read through exciting mini-games. Readiculous engages kids to learn the sounds that go with each letter/spelling in a logical progression. As with most new things, repetition is the key to success. This is where we come in, we make learning ridiculously fun (pun intended) by designing reading games for maximum entertainment and educational value. Players learn 2x faster than traditional methods with just 10 minutes of daily play, reflected in personal progress reports showcasing which sounds, letters, and words they’re working on. Readiculous combines fun gameplay with educational content, tailored to support various needs.Note: 3 months of Readiculous Video Game is a non-cumulative promotion limited to one per customer.
The complete workbook for the Reception English curriculum!
I Can Be a Butterfly is a hilarious, research-backed way to learn the alphabet. These print-at-home activity books tell the tale of one baby fly's mission to chompy, chew, and crunch his way from A to Z! This bundle includes a storybook and handwriting activity book, with worksheets formatted for bite-sized learning. Perfect for ages 3-7 (Reception - Year 2).
A hilarious, research-backed way to learn the alphabet and handwriting skills.
I Can Be a Butterfly is a hilarious, research-backed way to learn the alphabet. This print-at-home activity book tells the tale of one baby fly's mission to chomp, chew, and crunch his way from A to Z! Handwriting activities consolidate knowledge of letters and are an essential precursor to phonics learning for young readers. All worksheets are formatted for bite-sized learning. Perfect for ages 3-7 (Reception - Year 2).
Handwriting is a crucial skill for kids as they move through their early school years, beginning with individual letters in preschool to writing full sentences in Year 2.
Despite the growing role of technology in all aspects of life, handwriting remains an important skill, and contributes to overall reading and writing fluency. Experts warn that switching to a keyboard too soon can harm a child’s reading and writing progress. In fact, research shows that fluency and speed of handwriting are correlated with fluency and speed in typing.
Using the handwriting worksheets in our I Can Be a Butterfly and Gargantuan products to improve handwriting ensures that your kids' reading and writing fluency remains on track. They'll get plenty of practice with these handwriting worksheets, while reinforcing their knowledge of the alphabet and enjoying hilarious illustrations and storytelling.
I Can Be a Butterfly, an engaging storybook which includes handwriting practice worksheets, is available as a hard-copy handwriting workbook, or as a handwriting worksheets pdf you can print at home. Although it was designed as a collection of KS1 alphabet and handwriting sheets, it can also be used as handwriting practice KS2 worksheets printables for older kids who just need a bit of extra handwriting practice. Our Gargantuan Year 1 English Workbook, meanwhile, covers a full year of English, including ABC and handwriting practice.
Handwriting may not seem like an essential skill for the modern world, but it actually helps to consolidate kids’ knowledge of letters. Reading handwritten texts forces kids’ brains to learn that different variations of a letter still mean the same thing. The more handwritten texts they read, the faster they become at recognising them in print.
Kids (and adults!) are more likely to retain new information by writing it down. “Write to remember” is a simple rule of thumb. Research shows that kids with better handwriting exhibit greater neural activation in brain regions associated with working memory and increased activation in the regions associated with reading and writing. There is a significant correlation between the quality of handwriting and overall academic achievement in reading and writing. Our improve-handwriting worksheets were created with this research in mind. A little practice using handwriting worksheets goes a long way to helping even the messiest writers start to build consistency and confidence in shaping their words.
The core method underpinning our resources is bite-sized learning, which focuses on short, highly focused activities based on one topic at a time. Experts believe that learning in a bite-sized way means information is more likely to be stored in long-term memory. Using our resources can help you plan the chunks you’ll cover with your kids or students, because you can distribute printable handwriting practice sheets at a pace they are comfortable with.
Our printable handwriting workbooks, workbooks, and printable handwriting worksheets are packed full of engaging, funny illustrations and activities that delight and entertain students of all abilities. Handwriting practice for kids is essential for writing success in school (and beyond). We work with academics, teachers, and childhood literacy experts to develop fun, easy-to-use printables and workbooks covering everything your kids need to know.